Giving Back

Brookwood Fund

Brookwood School is built on a solid foundation thanks to the hearts and minds of many who long ago collaborated to provide a quality educational experience at an affordable price. We strive to maintain this model today, while we continue to build great programs on our firm foundation.

Please consider supporting us by joining our community of givers at one of the levels listed below as we all have a hand in building our future leaders.

  • Leaders' Circle $20,000+
  • Visionaries' Circle $15k-19,999
  • Innovators' Circle $10k-14,999
  • Developers $5k-9,999
  • Builders $1k-4,999
  • Supporters $750-999
  • Friends $300-749
  • Contributors $1-299

The Brookwood Fund is comprised of our annual fund and our financial aid fund. The annual fund helps balance our operating budget and fill in the gap made from the difference in tuition versus the actual cost of a Brookwood education. On average, every student is subsidized approximately $2,500 beyond what is paid in tuition. This subsidy comes from our fundraising efforts. It is Brookwood’s pledge to not add this cost into tuition but to rather seek support from those who are able to give.

Regardless of the amount of a gift, every single dollar carries tremendous impact as larger foundations look favorably upon a high level of participation in the Brookwood Fund. Your gift helps us secure larger, multi-year commitments from other donors and foundations.

The Brookwood Fund also helps support many of the unseen things that make the Brookwood experience a great one. From campus-wide WiFi to security measures, the Brookwood Fund truly supports every student on campus.

Thank you to our donors!

List of 11 items.

  • 2024-2025 Donor List

    Thank you to our Brookwood Fund donors! Brookwood School's fiscal year ends June 30, 2025, after which a final donor list will be published. 

    This list is current as of December 10, 2024. 

    Click here for list.
  • 2023-2024 Donor List

    Thank you to our Brookwood Fund donors! Brookwood School's fiscal year ends June 30, 2024, after which a final donor list will be published. 

    This list is current as of June 30, 2024. 

    Click here for list.  Click here for alumni giving by year.
  • 2022-2023 Donor List

    Thank you to our Brookwood Fund donors! Brookwood School's fiscal year ends June 30, 2023, after which a final donor list will be published. 

    This list is current as of June 30, 2023. 

    Click here for list. Click here for alumni giving by year.
  • 2021-2022 Donor List

    Thank you to our Brookwood Fund donors! Brookwood School's fiscal year ends June 30, 2022, after which a final donor list will be published. 

    This list is current as of June 30, 2022. 

    Click here for list. Click here for alumni giving by year.
  • 2020-2021 Donor List

    Thank you to our Brookwood Fund donors! Brookwood School's fiscal year ends June 30, 2020, after which a final donor list will be published. 

    This list is current as of June 30, 2021. 

    Click here for list. Click here for alumni giving by year.
  • 2019-2020 Donor List

    Thank you to our Brookwood Fund donors! Brookwood School's fiscal year ends June 30, 2020, after which a final donor list will be published. 

    This list is current as of June 30, 2020. Click here for list
  • 2018-2019 Donor List

    Thank you to our Brookwood Fund donors! Brookwood School's fiscal year ends June 30, 2019, after which a final donor list will be published. 

    Click here for list.
  • 2017-2018 Donor List

    Brookwood School is built on a solid foundation thanks to the hearts and minds of many who collaborated to provide a quality educational experience at an affordable price. Gifts to the Brookwood Fund help us build Leaders, Character, Community, Momentum, and Warrior Spirit.

    The Brookwood Fund encompasses annual giving efforts as well as our financial aid fund.  Financial aid programs are vital to a diverse student body. Brookwood School is proud of its financial aid program and encourages families needing financial assistance to apply. Students receiving assistance are never singled out for special requirements, but are expected to make positive contributions of attitude and effort in order to justify their grants.

    Click here for list.
  • 2016-2017 Donor List

    Thank you to everyone who supported the 2016-2017 Brookwood Fund and Financial Aid Fund.
    Read More
  • 2015-2016 Donor List

    Mr. Mickey AbrahamMr. and Mrs. Bo Jones
    Mr. and Mrs. Grant AldridgeMr. and Mrs. Edward J. Jones, Jr.
    Ms. Mary Catherine AlexanderMr. and Mrs. Jason Jones
    Mr. and Mrs. Chad AllenMr. and Mrs. Lynn L. Jones, Jr.
    Mr. and Mrs. Charles AllenMr. and Mrs. Powell Jones
    Mr. and Mrs. Dave AndersonMr. and Mrs. Jeffery Joyner
    Mr. and Mrs. Jerry AndersonMr. and Mrs. Clint H. Kadel
    Mr. and Mrs. Doug ArnestDr. and Mrs. Jeremy J. Kasten
    Mr. and Mrs. William C. Arwood IIIMiss Sofia Kimbrell
    Dr. and Mrs. William C. Arwood, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kincheloe
    Mrs. Jeannette C. AtkinsonMr. and Mrs. Jay King
    Mr. and Mrs. Charles BalfourMr. and Mrs. Gates Kirkham
    Mr. and Mrs. Lee BallardMr. and Mrs. Bryan Knox
    Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. BarrettMr. and Mrs. Bill Ladson
    Mrs. Meredith W. BarrettMrs. Janet Lancaster
    Mr. Bryant BeadlesMs. Mary Catherine Lanigan
    Mr. John P. Bell, Jr.Ann Larson
    Mr. and Mrs. Coby BentleyMr. and Mrs. Daniel Lauderdale
    Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. BeverlyDr. and Mrs. Louis Lee
    Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. BeverlyMr. and Mrs. Chase Lee
    Mr. and Mrs. Max F. BeverlyDr. Erin P. and Mr. Jarrod M. Lewis
    Mrs. Leigh BickfordMr. and Mrs. Jason N. Lewis
    Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bicknell IIIScott Family Fund
    The Bicknell FundMrs. Margaret Ann Marsh
    Mrs. Courtney Blackburn and Mr. Anthony BartekMr. and Mrs. Keith A. Massey
    Mr. and Mrs. Shane BoggsMr. and Mrs. George Mathes
    Mrs. Charlotte BolesMr. and Mrs. Bob Maxwell
    Mr. and Mrs. Mose BraceyMr. and Mrs. Michael May
    Mr. and Mrs. W. Christopher Bracken IVDr. Clair and Mrs. Matthew McCaskill
    Dr. and Mrs. Cordell L. Bragg IIIMr. and Mrs. Ben McCollum
    Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brannon, Jr.Mrs. JoAnn McGrotha
    Mr. and Mrs. Jeff BrashearMr. and Mrs. Sean P. McKenna
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Braswell, Jr.Mrs. Gretchen McKenzie
    Mr. and Mrs. David BreeseMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McMillan
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Brinkley IIIDr. and Mrs. Douglas McPherson
    Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brinson IVMr. and Mrs. Dale Mediate
    Mr. and Mrs. Trip BrockMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Merschman
    Mrs. Phyllis S. BrockMr. and Mrs. David J. Middleton
    Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon BryanMr. and Mrs. Vann Middleton
    Mr. and Mrs. Travis BryantDr. and Mrs. Robert D. Miles, Jr.
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Burns, Jr.Mrs. Charlotte P. Miller
    Mr. and Mrs. Derrick BurrusMrs. Gina Miller
    Ms. Kate BusseyMr. and Mrs. Steve Miller
    Mr. Rhett ButlerMr. and Mrs. Randall Mirick
    Mr. and Mrs. Bill ByceMr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Mooney IV
    Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Callaway IIIMr. and Mrs. Darren M. Moore
    Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Callaway IVMr. and Mrs. Dudley Moore
    Mr. and Mrs. G. Adrian Campbell IIMrs. Jessica G. Moore
    Mr. and Mrs. David CarltonAnonymous
    Mr. David CaricoMr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Murphy IV
    Dr. and Mrs. John B. CaricoMr. and Mrs. Greg Myers
    Mr. and Mrs. Aaron CaseDr. and Mrs. Cary C. Newman
    Mr. and Mrs. York P. CarterMr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Newman
    Mr. and Mrs. Kevin CauleyMr. and Mrs. George S. Newman
    Mr. and Mrs. Chip ChampionMr. and Mrs. Alton Nicholson
    Ms. Nancy CheneyDr. and Mrs. Jack E. Nicholson
    Mr. and Mrs. Steven ChildsMr. and Mrs. Jamie Nunnally
    Mr. and Mrs. Tom ChubbDr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Oppenheim
    Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. ClarkMr. and Mrs. Travis K. Ostrom
    Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Clarke, Jr.Mrs. Diane W. Parker
    Mr. and Mrs. Nick ClayMs. Knox Parker
    Mr. and Mrs. Rob ClendeninMr. and Mrs. Mark Parker
    Mr. and Mrs. Mark CobbParker Poe Charitable Trust
    Mr. and Mrs. Eric CohenMr. and Mrs. Craig S. Parr
    Mr. and Mrs. Sam CollinsMr. and Mrs. Vann Parrott
    Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland E. CollinsDr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Patterson
    Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T. Cook IIIMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Phipps
    Dr. Amy A. Cooper and Mr. Christopher A. CooperMr. Brad Piazza
    Mr. and Mrs. Jim CooperMr. and Mrs. Bruce Pieratt
    Dr. and Mrs. Doug CrewMr. Franklin Piland
    Mr. and Mrs. Mark CuevasMr. and Mrs. Barry Pollock
    Mr. and Mrs. Til CulbrethMr. and Mrs. William R. Ponder
    Mr. and Mrs. John N. DanielMr. and Mrs. Joe Porter
    Dr. and Mrs. Timothy B. DanielMr. and Mrs. Ron Powell
    Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. DannerMr. and Mrs. Tom Pyle
    Mr. and Mrs. Asa B. DavisMr. and Mrs. Ian Quinton
    Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. DavisMrs. Lib Wright Quirk
    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Davis, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Brad Ramsey
    Mr. and Mrs. John D. Davis IIIMr. and Mrs. Jan E. Redrupp
    Mr. and Mrs. Phillip DavisMr. and Mrs. James R. Rhodes III
    Mr. and Mrs. Glenn DeaverMr. and Mrs. B. Scott Rich
    Mr. and Mrs. Rodney DeeseMr. and Mrs. James T. Rieck
    Mr. and Mrs. Eddie DemottDr. Gregory L. Roesel
    Dr. Jill B. Dennis and Mr. Miles H. DennisMr. and Mrs. Raleigh Rollins
    Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. DixonMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rosser, Jr.
    The Dodys FamilyMr. and Mrs. F. Adam Rowland
    Mr. and Mrs. Cal DukeMr. and Mrs. David Ruddell
    Mr. Daniel S. DunlopMr. and Mrs. Mark Saussy
    Mr. and Mrs. Mike EganMr. and Mrs. William Sheftall
    Mr. and Mrs. Greg EifordMr. and Mrs. Allen Shiver
    Mrs. Robyn EnrightMs. Beth Sibley
    Mr. and Mrs. Gerry ErwinMr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Simmons
    Mrs. Carol EubanksMr. and Mrs. Nelson Simmons
    Dr. Margaret EugenioMr. and Mrs. Greg Simmons
    Mr. and Mrs. Jim FalconerMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Simmons
    Reverend and Mrs. Timothy H. FilstonMr. and Mrs. Nelson Simmons
    Mr. and Mrs. Chad FletcherMr. and Mrs. Richard L. Singletary
    Mr. and Mrs. Jay FlowersDr. and Mrs. Clay Sizemore
    Mr. and Mrs. Lang FlowersMr. J. Hillman Smith
    Mrs. Sandy FordMr. and Mrs. Randy Smitth
    Mr. and Mrs. Luke ForgioneMr. and Mrs. Rodney Spence
    Mr. and Mrs. Jeff FortnerMr. and Mrs. J. V. Spigener III
    Mr. Edward T. FoyMr. and Mrs. Richard Squires
    Mr. and Mrs. Ben GarlandMr. and Mrs. Jim Stalvey
    Mr. and Mrs. Jim GarlandMr. and Mrs. Chip Stapleton
    AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Jay M. Stauffer
    Mr. and Mrs. Greg GastonMr. and Mrs. Lucas Stewart
    Mr. and Mrs. Chris GeorgeDr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Street
    Mrs. Karla GeorgeMr. and Mrs. Wesley Street
    AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Sullivan
    Mr. and Mrs. Robbie K. GlausierDr. and Mrs. Eugene Sun
    Mr. and Mrs. Josh GodbehereDr. and Mrs. Brian Szwarc
    Mr. and Mrs. Josue F. GonzalezMr. Christopher M. Tanner
    Drs. Tim and Mary Anne GraysonMr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Taylor
    Mr. and Mrs. Jim GreenMr. and Mrs. Aubrey Taylor
    Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. GrimsleyMrs. Kim Thompson
    Mr. and Mrs. David GroomsMrs. Sarah Thompson
    Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan GrooverMr. and Mrs. Bret Tinney
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert GrooverMr. Dana G. Toole
    Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. GurleyMr. and Mrs. S. Russell Turner, Jr.
    Ms. Jenna HallMr. and Mrs. James Twilley
    Mr. and Mrs. Greg HamilMr. and Mrs. Charles Tyler
    Mr. Michael HamilMr. and Mrs. Jay Tyson
    Mr. and Mrs. Joshua HankeMr. and Mrs. Kurt Unglaub
    Mr. and Mrs. William C. Harrell, Jr.Ms. Susan Vann
    Mr. and Mrs. Ladon R. HarrellMr. and Mrs. Kevin Vick
    Mrs. Maureen HarrerMr. and Mrs. John Wagner
    Mr. and Mrs. Carl HarrisonMr. and Mrs. Michael Wagoner
    Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Harrison, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Keith Waldrep
    Dr. and Mrs. Sanford HawkinsDr. Mike and Dr. Heahter Waldrop
    Mr. and Mrs. Shawn HeathMr. and Mrs. Andy Walker
    Dr. Mark and Dr. Kelley HelquistDr. Jesse R. Warren and Dr. Brandi W. Warren
    Mr. and Mrs. Shannon HendrixsonMr. and Mrs. Glen Waters
    Mr. and Mrs. Tommy HerrinMr. and Mrs. Miles Watkins
    Mr. and Mrs. Donnie HesterMrs. Mercer P. Watt
    Mr. and Mrs. John HigginsDr. and Mrs. Philip C. Watt
    Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. HilsonDr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Watts, Jr.
    Mr. and Mrs. William R. HodgesAnonymous
    Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Hodges, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Keane W. West
    Mr. and Mrs. Coleman HoltMs. Jennifer Westfield
    Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Holt IVMr. and Mrs. F. P. Wetherbee III
    Mr. and Mrs. Lee P. HopkinsMr. and Mrs. Britt Wetherington
    Mr. and Mrs. Tommy HopkinsMajor and Mrs. Marcus Whitfield
    Mr. and Mrs. Bill HowellMr. and Mrs. Matt Willey
    AnonymousMNW Sustaining Fund
    Mr. and Mrs. Mark HumphriesMr. and Mrs. Tracy Wilson
    Mr. and Mrs. Brad JacksonDr. and Mrs. Craig E. Wolff
    AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Peter Wolsfelt
    Dr. and Mrs. Chris JarrettMr. and Mrs. Juddy Womble
    Mr. Beau JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Brooks Woodward
    Mr. and Mrs. Dennis S. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. JT Wood
    Mr. and Mrs. Jeff JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Paul T. Woody III
    Mr. and Mrs. Ken JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Edward T. Wright III
    Mr. and Mrs. Bobby JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Rick Yestrumsky
    Mr. Neal and Dr. Stacey JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Craig A. Yokley
    Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Young
  • 2014-2015 Donor List

    Mr. and Mrs. Peter   J. AbitanteMr. and Mrs. Wade DurhamMr. and Mrs. Michael MayMr. and Mrs. Glen Waters
    Mr. and Mrs. Grant L. AldridgeMr. and Mrs. Walter EdwardsDr. and Mrs. Bruce B. McCallMr. and Mrs. Miles B. Watkins
    Mr. and Mrs. Chad AllenMr. and Mrs. Mike EganMr. Matthew and Dr. Clair S. McCaskillMrs. Mercer Watt
    Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. AllenMr. and Mrs. Greg EifordMr. and Mrs. Ben McCollumDr. and Mrs. Philip C. Watt
    Mr. and Mrs. Ron AlligoodDr. Gary E. ElmoreMr. and Mrs. Paul McCollumMr. and Mrs. William A. Watt III
    Dr. and Mrs. Henry AlperinMr. and Mrs. Gerry ErwinMrs. Pamela D. McCormickDr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Watts, Jr.
    Mr. and Mrs. Dave AndersonDr. and Mrs. James W. Falconer IIIMr. and Mrs. Amos R. McMullianMr. and Mrs. Keane W. West
    Mr. and Mrs. Jerry AndersonMr. and Mrs. Jim FalconerDr. and Mrs. Douglas C. McPhersonMs. Jennifer Westfield
    Mr. and Mrs. Ken Anderson Mr. Neil and Dr. Stephanie FennellMr. and Mrs. Dale MediateMr. and Mrs. F. P. Wetherbee III
    Mr. and Mrs. Ron ArlineReverend and Mrs. Timothy H. FilstonMr. and Mrs. Frank MerschmanMr. and Mrs. Olison Wheeler
    Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. ArnestMr. and Mrs. Chad FletcherMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. MerschmanMajor and Mrs. Marcus R. Whitfield
    Mr. and Mrs. William C. Arwood IIIMr. and Mrs. Jay FlowersMr. and Mrs. David J. MiddletonMr. and Mrs. Jayme L. Williams
    Mrs. Jeannette C. AtkinsonMr. and Mrs. Langdon S. Flowers IIIMr. and Mrs. Vann MiddletonMr. and Mrs. Tracy Wilson
    Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. AveraMs. Maggie FlowersMr. and Mrs. Robert M. MilbergDr. and Mrs. Craig E. Wolff
    Mr. Andres AycockMrs. Sandy FordMr. and Mrs. Scott J. MilbergMr. and Mrs. Judson Womble
    Mr. and Mrs. Wade AycockMr. and Mrs. Luke ForgioneDr. and Mrs. Robert D. Miles, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Woody III
    Mr. and Mrs. Royal Baker IIIMr. and Mrs. Scott H. ForsythMr. and Mrs. Z. Randall Mirick, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Clint Wortman
    Mr. and Mrs. Charles BalfourMr. and Mrs. Jeff FortnerMr. and Mrs. Dudley MooreDr. and Mrs. Edward T. Wright III
    Mr. and Mrs. Lee BallardMr. and Mrs. Ben GarlandMr. and Mrs. Baldomero MoralesMr. and Mrs. Rick Yestrumsky
    Dr. Cheryl J. BarnesMr. and Mrs. James A. GarlandMr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Murphy IVMr. and Mrs. Arlen Yokley
    Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. BarrettMs. Nelly GarzonMr. and Mrs. Greg MyersDr. and Mrs. Craig A. Yokley
    Mrs. Meredith BarrettMr. and Mrs. Greg GastonDr. and Mrs. Cary C. NewmanMr. and Mrs. Geoffrey P. Young
    Mr. and Mrs. Mike BaughMr. and Mrs. Christopher A. GeorgeMr. and Mrs. Jerry B. NewmanDr. and Mrs. Jack Zito
    Mr. Bryant V. BeadlesMrs. Karla GeorgeDr. and Mrs. Jack E. Nicholson
    Beckett Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. Steve GillilandMrs. Marsha Noah
    Ms. Sarah L. BeesonMr. and Mrs. Robbie K. GlausierMr. and Mrs. Will Norman
    Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bell, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Joshua J. GodbehereMr. and Mrs. Jamie Nunnally
    Mr. and Mrs. Coby BentleyDr. Timothy G. Grayson and Dr. Mary Anne GraysonMr. and Mrs. Steven P. Odom
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Benton, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. GrimsleyMr. and Mrs. Tripp Onnen
    Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. BeverlyMr. and Mrs. David GroomsDr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Oppenheim
    Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. BeverlyMr. and Mrs. James M. Groover, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Will Palmer
    Mr. and Mrs. Ken BeverlyMr. and Mrs. Jonathan GrooverMrs. Marilynn Pankratz
    Mr. and Mrs. Max F. BeverlyMrs. Patricia S. GroverMr. and Mrs. Mark Parker
    Bicknell FundMr. and Mrs. Paul D. Gurley, Jr.Mrs. Jennifer Parparian
    Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bicknell IIIMs. Jenna HallMr. and Mrs. Craig S. Parr
    Mr. and Mrs. Shane BoggsMs. Jennifer HambyMr. and Mrs. Vann Parrott
    Mrs. Charlotte BolesMr. and Mrs. Michael T. HamilMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Phipps
    Mr. and Mrs. Mose BraceyMr. and Mrs. Joshua HankeMr. Brad Piazza
    Mr. and Mrs. W. Christopher Bracken IVMr. and Mrs. Bill HarrellMr. and Mrs. Arny Pickoltz
    Dr. and Mrs. Cordell L. BraggMr. and Mrs. Doug HarrellMr. and Mrs. Bruce Pieratt
    Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brannon, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ladon R. HarrellMr. and Mrs. Barry Pollock
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Braswell, Jr.Mrs. Maureen HarrerMr. and Mrs. David B. Poole
    Mr. and Mrs. David BreeseMr. and Mrs. Carl HarrisonDr. and Mrs. Jeremy W. Poole
    Dr. and Mrs. Mark BrewerMr. and Mrs. G. T. Harrison, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porter
    Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brinson IVMr. and Mrs. Jason HarvardMr. and Mrs. Ron Powell
    Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon C. BryanDr. and Mrs. Sanford R. HawkinsMr. and Mrs. Tom Pyle
    Mr. and Mrs. Travis BryantMr. and Mrs. Brad HeardDr. and Mrs. Austin Quina
    Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. BuckleyMr. and Mrs. Morris HenryMs. Susan Quinet
    Mrs. Helga BullardDr. and Mrs. Shane W. HerrinMr. and Mrs. Ian Quinton
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Burns, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Tommy HerrinMr. and Mrs. Brad Ramsey
    Mr. and Mrs. Derrick BurrusMr. and Mrs. Donnie HesterMr. and Mrs. Jan E. Redrupp
    Mr. and Mrs. Bryan BustleMr. and Mrs. Richard HinesMr. Juan Jose Restrepo
    Mrs. Kenneth ButlerMr. and Mrs. Lofley HinsonMr. and Mrs. James R. Rhodes III
    Mr. and Mrs. Bill ByceDr. and Mrs. C. H. Hodges, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. B. Scott Rich
    Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Callaway IIIMr. and Mrs. William R. HodgesMr. and Mrs. Kenny Rish
    Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Callaway IVMr. and Mrs. Dave HoganMs. Julianne M. Robinson
    Mr. and Mrs. G. Adrian Campbell IIMs. Melanie HoganMr. and Mrs. Raleigh W. Rollins, Jr.
    Mr. David CaricoMr. and Mrs. Donald HollifieldMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rosser, Jr.
    Dr. and Mrs. John B. CaricoMr. and Mrs. Coleman HoltMr. and Mrs. F. Adam Rowland
    Mr. and Mrs. David M. CarltonMr. and Mrs. F. T. Holt IVMr. and Mrs. David H. Ruddell
    Mr. and Mrs. York P. CarterDr. and Mrs. Michael A. HooksMr. and Mrs. Fortson T. Rumble
    Dr. and Mrs. James M. CasanovaMr. and Mrs. Lee HopkinsDr. and Mrs. David A. Saunders
    Mr. and Mrs. Kevin CauleyMr. and Mrs. Bill HowellMr. and Mrs. Mark Saussy
    Mr. and Mrs. Jerome ChapmanMr. and Mrs. Terry HowellMr. and Mrs. William L. Sheftall
    Mr. and Mrs. Wade ChapmanMr. and Mrs. Mark HumphriesMrs. Marianna Sheridan
    Ms. Nancy CheneyMr. and Mrs. John HuntMs. Beth Sibley
    Mr. and Mrs. Stephen CheneyMr. and Mrs. Brad JacksonMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Simmons
    Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. ChildsMr. and Mrs. Brian M. JacksonMr. and Mrs. Nelson Simmons
    Mr. and Mrs. A. William ClarkMr. and Mrs. Christopher A. JarrettDr. and Mrs. Clay Sizemore
    Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. ClarkMr. and Mrs. Ken JohnsonMr. John Carter Skeen
    Mr. and Mrs. Rob ClendeninMr. Neal F. and Dr. Stacey W. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Sloan, Jr.
    Mr. Dan Cobb and Ms. Sylvia LenzMr. and Mrs. Jeff JohnsonMr. Hill Smith
    Mrs. Faye CobbMr. and Mrs. Bolling Jones IVMr. and Mrs. Randy Smith
    Mr. and Mrs. Mark CobbMr. and Mrs. Powell JonesMr. and Mrs. Rodney Spence
    Mr. and Mrs. Eric CohenMr. and Mrs. Lynn L. Jones, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Spigener III
    Mr. and Mrs. Sam CollinsMr. and Mrs. Robert L. JonesMr. and Mrs. Jim Stalvey
    Community Foundation of Southwest Georgia, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey JoynerMr. and Mrs. Chip Stapleton
    Mr. and Mrs. John M. ConnerMr. and Mrs. Clint H. KadelDr. and Mrs. J. Turner Stauffer
    Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T. Cook IIIMr. and Mrs. William H. KincheloeMr. and Mrs. Jay M. Stauffer
    Dr. Amy A. Cooper and Mr. Christopher A.   CooperMr. and Mrs. Jay KingMr. and Mrs. Todd Stelly
    Mr. and Mrs. James L. CooperMr. and Mrs. Patrick K. KinniDr. and Mrs. Brian J. Szwarc
    Dr. and Mrs. Doug CrewMr. and Mrs. Gates KirkhamMr. Christopher M. Tanner
    Mr. James C. DalrympleMr. and Mrs. Toby J. KniferMr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Taylor
    Mr. and Mrs. John N. Daniel IIIMr. and Mrs. Bryan F. KnoxMs. Kim Taylor
    Dr. and Mrs. Timothy B. DanielMr. and Mrs. Robert G. LaceyMrs. Kim Thompson
    Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. DannerMr. and Mrs. Bill LadsonMs. Margaret Timm
    Mr. and Mrs. Asa B. DavisMrs. William F. Ladson, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Bret A. Tinney
    Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. DavisMrs. Janet LancasterMr. and Mrs. S. Russell Turner, Jr.
    Mr. and Mrs. John D. Davis IIIDr. Allen LeeMr. James Twilley
    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Davis, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Louis LeeMr. and Mrs. Jay Tyson
    Mr. and Mrs. Walker DavisMr. and Mrs. Chase LeeMr. and Mrs. Stephane Ughetto
    Reverend and Mrs. Glenn DeaverMr. and Mrs. Robert T. LeGetteMr. and Mrs. Kurt Unglaub
    Mr. and Mrs. George E. DeeseMr. Jarrod M. and Dr. Erin P. LewisMr. and Mrs. Heeth Varnedoe IV
    Mr. and Mrs. Rodney DeeseMr. and Mrs. Jason N. LewisMr. and Mrs. Sonny Vaughn
    Mr. and Mrs. Eddie DemottMs. Jenni MartinMr. and Mrs. Kevin Vick
    Mr. Miles H. Dennis and Dr. Jill B.   DennisMs. Mackenzy MartinMr. and Mrs. John Wagner
    Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. DixonMr. and Mrs. Keith A. MasseyMr. and Mrs. Keith Waldrep
    Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. DodysMr. and Mrs. George MathesDr. Michael R. and Dr. Heather H. Waldrop
    Mr. and Mrs. William F. Drake IIIMr. and Mrs. Andy MaxwellMr. and Mrs. Andy Walker
    Mr. Daniel S. DunlopMr. and Mrs. Bob MaxwellDr. Jesse R. and Dr. Brandi W. Warren
Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of this list of donors. We profoundly regret any errors or omissions. Please notify us if any errors have been made or should you wish to alter your listing so we may correct our records. 
Proudly celebrating 100% faculty and staff participation since 2014!

Additional Information

List of 3 items.

  • About the Brookwood Fund

    A handful of exceptional teachers and students paved the way for Brookwood School to grow into one of South Georgia’s lead college preparatory schools. This continued growth has been nurtured by fiscal, moral, and hands-on support of three generations of alumni, parents, and friends through the Brookwood Fund. The Brookwood Fund, our annual campaign, provides an avenue to support daily life at Brookwood. Your annual generosity, $50 or $5000, through the Brookwood Fund helps ensure the Brookwood experience is sustained for generations to come.

    Please know that your gift supports Brookwood in a multitude of ways by contributing to the operating budget. Gifts provide for many of our daily necessities.

    Brookwood School’s ability to secure corporate support and grants largely depends on the percentage of Brookwood families who contribute on an annual basis to the Brookwood Fund; thus every gift is important, no matter its size.

    The Brookwood Fund offers each of us the opportunity to support Brookwood School. Please consider a tax deductible gift to help sustain a school that has played such a formative role in all of our lives and in our community.

    Brookwood Fund campaigns are concurrent with the Brookwood School fiscal year, July 1 through June 30 annually.
  • What does my gift support?

    Brookwood School tuition only covers people costs - everything else is supported by your generosity. Your gifts to the Brookwood Fund support Patriot’s Day supplies, STEAM programming, Brookwood traditions and more.
  • Why is my participation important?

    Your support of the Brookwood Fund is a public statement of belief in Brookwood School and our mission statement. Having high participation rates is often a requirement for larger grants from charitable foundations, as well. Every gift matters, regardless of size.
Located in Thomasville, GA, Brookwood School is a private school for grades JK-12. Students benefit from a challenging academic program, fine and performing arts, competitive athletics, and a wide selection of extracurricular activities.