Financial aid programs are vital to a diverse student body. Brookwood School is proud of its need-based financial aid program and encourages families needing financial assistance to apply. Students receiving assistance are never singled out for special requirements, but are expected to make positive contributions of attitude and effort in order to justify their grants. All financial aid matters are strictly confidential and handled exclusively by the Financial Aid Committee.
Families interested in applying for financial aid should inform the
Business Manager and a financial aid application must be completed online before any consideration for assistance is given. Financial aid is limited and will be prioritized by those who submit their applications by the April 1st deadline.
Need is assessed annually, so a new application must be submitted each year and families must demonstrate continued financial need in order to qualify.
All awarded financial aid is generated from donor support, and is not taken from tuition funds paid by other families. Brookwood also receives education tax credit dollars, through the Georgia GOAL program from individuals and businesses, which are also used for financial aid awards. GOAL funding is earmarked for Brookwood School and has additional eligibility requirements.
Every family with students attending Brookwood pays something in terms of tuition and expenses, and financial aid awards are not scholarships. We seek students who demonstrate ability and interest in a broad and stimulating educational environment; no student is recruited or supported simply for one specific skill. We work to retain and recruit students with high ideals, intellectual curiosity, academic ability, and the potential for growth.
While our financial aid programs allow us to remain prepared to increase the size of the student body in response to the needs of the community, we will only do so to the extent that we can continue to maintain the culture and standards that define the values of Brookwood School.